5 Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution to Floss More
January 11, 2023

During this time of the year, many people are starting to make headway on their New Year’s resolutions. From eating better to traveling more, there are an endless number of resolutions that people can make. If you aren’t sure what you want yours to be, why not make one for your smile? Many people don’t floss as often as they’re supposed to, so that’s a good place to start. Continue reading to learn five tips that will help you stick to your New Year’s resolution to floss more often.
(more…)How Dental Implants Can Prevent Facial Collapse
January 4, 2023

It’s no secret that having gaps in your smile can make it difficult for you to feel confident in your beam. You may find yourself smiling or speaking less in social situations out of fear of being judged. Fortunately, there are a lot of options to give you a complete smile once again. Dental implants are one of the most popular. These titanium screws are the only option that replaces both the roots and crown of the tooth. They can even help maintain the shape of your face. Continue reading to learn how dental implants can prevent facial collapse.