Implants Help to Reduce Bone Loss
July 1, 2013
When a tooth or teeth have been lost, it creates a space in your mouth that can create problems for the whole of your mouth structure. The presence of teeth helps to create a shape for your face. Once teeth are lost or removed over time, the face starts to take on a sunken appearance. The overall rigidity and structure of the skin are both maintained by the teeth. Smile Restoration techniques, including Dental Implants can help in restoring a more youthful smile.
Dental implants are fixed and fused into the jaw-bone and serve as anchors that support the new teeth and also prevent bone loss. Bone needs to be stimulated so that it can stay healthy. Whether a single implant-supported tooth is required, or a number of teeth, the dental implants will fuse to the bone, so stabilizing and stimulating it so that no more bone loss takes place.
Bridges and dentures do not stop bone loss on their own
As more teeth fall out, the jawbone starts to atrophy more noticeably and the face will appear sunken. The loss of bone makes a person’s face look older than his or her real age. Bridges and dentures, which are used commonly as substitute teeth, do not stop this loss of bone.
Dental implants are an important dental advancement as they are firmly anchored in the jawbone, without having to depend on neighboring teeth. They act quite naturally and enhance healthy bone. Once a lost tooth has a replacement in the form of a dental implant, the fusion that takes place between the implant and the bone offers stability in the same way as a natural tooth.
Dental Implants provide stability
Bridges and dentures certainly do help you to chew and eat food, but dental implants go just one step further, as they are placed into and are fused with the jawbone. This offers stability and prevents bone loss and atrophying that normally occurs when teeth are missing. Dental implants really do help to allow your face to retain a more natural shape.
If you are worried about bone loss and would like to know more about the benefits of dental implants, then arrange an appointment by calling Advanced Dental Care today at (217) 546-3333.
You can also attend one of our informative seminars held regularly in the Springfield area. There is no cost or obligation to attend. Click here for more information on our Dental Implant Seminars.
Oral Care for Teens: What Parents Need to Know
June 17, 2013
We all have that desire to show off a lovely smile, but what we do not want are stained teeth, bad breath, decaying teeth, tooth loss or gum disease, whether as a teenager or an adult. All of these can be prevented at just about any age through the use of Preventative Dentistry procedures.
However, the teenage years are often the time when teeth are neglected the most. A busy teenager has a social life to enjoy, examinations to take and a future to think about. With little time to free up while experiencing the excitement of growing up, dental visits and serious oral health care sometimes become less of a priority.
Failing to implement good dental care practices while in the teenage years can be very bad for future oral and dental health. In the long run, this could destroy a smile and break the teenager’s long term confidence, especially in social situations.
Points of importance for a teen’s dental care
- We recommend that your teen brushes and flosses his or her teeth at least two times a day. If they want to maintain a better smile, a brush following each meal will add that freshness to the face.
- Teenage diets should be packed with nutrients that will build up and maintain the health of permanent teeth. This means only consuming moderate amounts of starchy or sweet food to avoid the development of any dental cavities and other gum problems.
- Hormonal changes throughout puberty can contribute to the development of minor periodontal disease by increasing the blood flow circulating around the gums. This leads to a rise in sensitivity in the gums which, when irritated by food or liquids, become inflamed, feel painful to touch and sometimes turn a red color.
- Smoking, which is often started in the teen years, causes stained teeth, loss of teeth, gum disease, bad breath and mouth cancer. If smoking and drinking take place together, this can elevate the chance of mouth cancer development.
- The greatest number of dental accidents and the resultant injuries take place between 13 and 17 years age, while playing sports. In some sports such as basketball and baseball a mouth guard should be used to protect the teeth from accidental injury.
- Visiting the dentist should be promoted and monitored by parents, who should also emphasize dental health when bringing up teens by ensuring that dental checkups are regular and their teeth are assessed for periodontal disease.
- There are many ways that your dentist can help your teenage son or daughter to improve their self image by offering teeth shaping cosmetic procedures. Click here for more information on these services.
Personal image and what other people think about us are far more important in teenage years than in any other part of our lives. Different types of cosmetic dentistry options are available for teens who would like to enhance their appearance and personal image and they are not always too complicated or expensive.
If you would like advice on how you could help your teenage child’s oral hygiene, do not hesitate, call Advanced Dental Care at (217) 546-3333 today, to make an appointment. We would love to see you at our office.
Implant Dentistry: Preserving Natural Dentition
June 3, 2013
Preserving natural dentition
Dental implants have become one of the most comfortable and effective means of teeth replacement. The reason for the wide-spread use of dental implants in restorative dentistry is the excellent set of aesthetic and functional properties of dental implants. Among the numerous benefits of dental implants, the most important is the preservation of the natural dentition.
After the loss of a tooth, the surrounding bone undergoes resorption (bone loss) extensively due to lack of support. A dental implant placed in the same socket holds the bone and prevents undue loss.
Loss of a tooth creates an imbalance in the dental occlusion. The tooth present opposite to the missing tooth becomes functionally compromised. There can be a drifting of the rest of the teeth causing gaps between them and the tight contacts open up. Food particles and debris can get trapped in these gaps and become difficult to remove. Eventually, the teeth undergo decay and might even progress to the stage of loss of vitality if treatment is not done in the right time. Proper oral hygiene in such circumstances becomes difficult, thus increasing the chances of periodontal disease. Dental implants can prevent these problems by providing a functional replacement for the missing tooth.
If crowns and bridges are utilized as an option for teeth replacement, the integrity of neighboring teeth can be affected adversely. This is mainly due to the fact that they derive their support from the adjacent teeth. The periodontal ligament and the bone of the adjacent teeth have to bear extra stresses which in due course of time weaken them and, at times, even lead to their loss. Dental implants are inserted directly into the bone so they do not require support from the neighboring teeth. They function independently and naturally similar to every other tooth in the dentition.
Are you interested in learning more about dental implants? Attend one of our monthly No Cost/No Obligation Dental Implant Seminars. For details and dates and to register CLICK HERE or call us at (217) 546-3333
Dr. VanderMolen has the answers you need. Call and make an appointment at Advanced Dental Care today, (217) 546-3333.