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Dentistry From the Heart 2013

May 21, 2013

Filed under: Events,News Media,Uncategorized — smilespringfield @ 5:47 pm


Dentistry From The Heart is a worldwide nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free dental care to those in need and each year, Advanced Dental Care of Springfield is proud to participate.

On June 7th from 7:30 am until 4pm, Dr VanderMolen and the entire team will offer free dental care (a standard cleaning, single filling or single tooth extraction – no cosmetic services provided) to those people in the Springfield IL area in need of care.

There will be no charge for the services provided and all care is offered on a first come, first served basis. No appointments will be taken this day.

We sincerely hope to make a difference in the lives of those who come for help during our 2013 Dentistry From the Heart event on June 7th and we’ll do everything we can to relieve pain and fix dental problems.

Patients who need ongoing care or have problems that cannot be corrected in one day will be referred to area community clinics, where they can receive ongoing treatment at a low or no cost.

Learn more from Dr. VanderMolen on Ask the Expert: 2013 Dentistry From the Heart


Implant dentistry: Preserving Natural Dentition

April 9, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespringfield @ 8:23 pm

Preserving Natural Dentition

Dental implants have become one of the most comfortable and effective means of teeth replacement. The reason for the widespread use of dental implants in state-of-the-art restorative dentistry is the excellent set of aesthetic and functional properties of dental implants. Among the numerous benefits of dental implants, the most important is the preservation of the natural dentition.

After the loss of a tooth, the surrounding bone undergoes resorption (bone loss) extensively due to lack of support. A dental implant placed in the same socket holds the bone and prevents undue loss.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can prevent problems by providing a functional replacement for the missing tooth.

Loss of a tooth creates an imbalance in the dental occlusion. The tooth present opposite to the missing tooth becomes functionally compromised. There can be a drifting of the rest of the teeth causing gaps between them and the tight contacts open up. Food particles and debris can get trapped in these gaps and become difficult to remove. Eventually, the teeth undergo decay and might even progress to the stage of loss of vitality if treatment is not done in the right time. Proper oral hygiene in such circumstances becomes difficult, thus increasing the chances of periodontal disease. Dental implants can prevent these problems by providing a functional replacement for the missing tooth.

If crowns and bridges are utilized as an option for teeth replacement, the integrity of neighboring teeth can be affected adversely. This is mainly due to the fact that they derive their support from the adjacent teeth. The periodontal ligament and the bone of the adjacent teeth have to bear extra stresses which in due course of time weaken them and, at times, even lead to their loss. Dental implants are inserted directly into the bone so they do not require support from the neighboring teeth. They function independently and naturally similar to every other tooth in the dentition.

Are you interested in learning more about dental implants?  Dr. VanderMolen has the answers you need.  Call and make an appointment at Advanced Dental Care today, (217) 546-3333.

Learn about our Free Dental Implant Seminars where you can get more information first hand from Dr. VanderMolen at no obligation.

The Benefits of New and Customized Dentures

April 2, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilespringfield @ 8:14 pm

Replacing Old Dentures with Custom Dentures

Traditional dentures are often worn to replace teeth that have been missing or damaged.

Many older individuals have or need dentures at some point in their lifetime. One of the main problems with traditional dentures is that people say these teeth do not always look as real as they could or should look. If you have traditional dentures and the teeth are noticeably unrealistic looking, you may feel self-conscious about your smile and your appearance. It is at this point that custom dentures would come in handy.

Custom dentures are designed to look as natural as possible.

Custom dentures are designed to look as natural as possible.

Custom dentures are designed to look as natural as possible. The purpose of these dentures is to match well with the specific patient, as patient look and needs will vary. The teeth are customized personally for each individual to match the shape of their face and their age. Dr. VanderMolen goes above and beyond to ensure these custom dentures fit perfectly in the mouth and look completely realistic so that you can become confident in your smile once again.

One of the main problems with the traditional dentures is that they are made to look a little too perfect to the point that they often give off a fake appearance. Most traditional dentures display teeth completely aligned with one another, but real teeth do not align exactly like one another, so it is actually best for Dr. VanderMolen to precisely place the teeth of the dentures next to one another in such a manner that they look natural and beautiful without looking unrealistic. Dr. VanderMolen uses acrylic teeth, the most natural choice, for the creation of the custom dentures.

For more information about replacing your old dentures with new custom dentures, contact Dr. VanderMolen of Advanced Dental Care of Springfield at 217-546-3333 We will help you put your best smile forward.

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